Examination of periodontium,periodontal pocket,teeth and implant
PERIODONTAL EXAMINATION OF TEETH,IMPLANTS,PERIODONTIUM AND PERIODONTAL POCKET 1)EXAMINATION OF TEETH AND IMPLANTS: A)TOOTH MOBILITY : All teeth have a slight degree of physiologic mobility which varies for : Different teeth Time During the morning it will be greatest ,slight extrusion of tooth whereas ,during sleep it will be limited as there is not much Occlusal contact these 24 hour variants are seen in those who Have occlusal habits such as : Bruxism Clenching LOCAL CAUSES: Periapical pathology Tooth morphology Implant mobility SYSTEMIC CAUSES : Age Sex(females more predilection) Oral contraceptive Other Cause : Loss of tooth support Trauma from occlusion STAGES : 1)INITIAL /INTRASOCKET STAGE : Tooth moves within the confine of periodontal ligament Associated with : Viscoelastic distortion Redistribution of periodontal fluid 2)SECONDARY STAGE: Occur gradually Increase in horizontal force results in elastic deformation of alveolar bone GRADING: According to ease and ext