
Showing posts with the label ENDODONTICS

Glass ionomer cement -most frequently asked viva question along with answers

                 GLASS IONOMER CEMENT : MOST FRQUENTLY ASKED VIVA QUESTIONS: 1)DEFINE GLASS IONOMER CEMENT? A cement that consists of basic glass and acid polymer which sets by an acid -base reaction between these components . 2)Who discovered glass ionomer cement? Wilson and Kent in 1972  3) Other name of glass ionomer cement ? ASPA -Alumino silicate polyacryate  4)Composition: Powder : Silica-35-40% Alumina-20-30% Calcium fluoride-15-20% Aluminum fluoride-1.5-2.5% Aluminium phosphate-9-8% Sodium fluoride-5% liquid: Polyacrylic acid-40-50% Itaconic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid -5% Water-45-50% 5)Classification: A)according to Wilson and Kent: Type 1- luting cement Type 2 -restorative  Type 2 a -Restorative aesthetics Type 2b- Restorative reinforced B)According to application: Type 1 -Luting Type 2 -Restorative  Type 2 a -Restorative aesthetics Type 2b- Restorative reinforced Type 3-Lining cement Type4- Fissure cement  Type 5- Orthodontic  cement Type 6-Core build cement Type 7 -

Pit And Fissure Sealants -Why You Might need them -stencildent

 PIT AND FISSURE SEALANTS  Pit and fissure sealants  are advocated for: Susceptible pit and fissure area of posterior teeth Pediatric patient High caries risk patient  OBJECTIVE: Sealant is for resin to penetrate pit and fissure  Seal area against oral bacteria ,debris RESIN SYSTEM: Based on UDMA,bis-GMA POLYMERISED BY: Chemical activation -initiation,light activation UNFILLED RESIN: Colourless,tinted transparent material. FILLED RESIN; Available as tooth colored,white material SUCCESS DEPENDS ON: Obtaining ,maintaining intimate adaptation of sealant to tooth surface SEALANT MUST BE: Low viscous ,so that it flows into depth of pit and fissure TO ENHANCE WETTING ?RETENTION Tooth; 1st conditioned by etching with acid Effective therapy As long as sealant is well,no caries progression will occur Etch and rinse ,with primer and bonding agent PREVENTIVE -RESIN RESTORATION Conservative approach Minimal cavity preparation Enamel -dentin bonded composite restoration and sealant application High

Classification of composite resin material based on filler size,viscosity,matrix,polymerization methods

  CLASSIFICATION OF COMPOSITE RESIN MATERIAL:   I)BASED ON FILLER SIZE: HOMOGENEOUS- MACROFILLED,MINI,MICROFILLED HETEROGENEOUS HYBRID  MACROFILLED: The original composite resin material were macrofilled Material have high level of loading Particle size is 4 -40 microns  Advantage:  Strong as high loading Disadvantage: Filler particle harder than abrasive  When polished : soft matrix was worn away,exposed large,hard filler It becomes rough therefore they are not polishable It has poor wear resistance  MICROFILLED COMPOSITE RESIN : Why was microfilled composite resin discovered? Due to poor polishability of microfilled composite resin Material have uniform filler particle size 0.04 micron,low level of filler loading  Low level of filler loading  Advantage: Very polishable ,hence excellent esthetics Disadvantage: Low modulus of elasticity ,therefore not suitable for stress bearing area. Contra-Indication: Class 4 restoration Restoration of posterior teeth Evidence indicate that microfill

Filling root canals in 3 dimensions- Endodontic techniques

  OBTURATION TECHNIQUE : OBTURATION: Three filling of entire root canal system According to american association of endodontist : obturation is the method used to fill and seal a cleaned and shaped root canal using a root canal sealer and core filling material OBJECTIVE: Substitution of an inert filling  To eliminate all avenue of leakage from oral cavity Seal iatrogenic causes Same shape as root morphology Radiographic appearance - dense 3D filling  When to obturate root canal? Obturation after obtaining negative culture test  Absence of foul odour Lack of periapical sensitivity No excessive exudate from canal Obturated when tooth is asymptomatic when root canal is reasonable dry It should be sterile ,or easily and quickly sterilised immediately before insertion  CLASSIFICATION OF OBTURATING MATERIAL  ACCORDING TO GROSSMAN: PLASTIC - Gutta percha,resilon solid- silver point,stainless steel cement and paste- hydron,mineral trioxide aggregate,calcium phosphate,gutta flow  Requirement f