Paracetamol -mechanism of action,pharmacokinetics,uses,adverse effect
PARACETAMOL Analgesic ,anti-pyretic ,week anti inflammatory properties. Brain:Active cyclo-oxygenase -anti-pyretic action Gastric irritation mild STUDENT CORNER: HI!my dear stencildent family welcome back to our website ,if your knew to our site please do consider checking out our other posts to ,now moving on to our topic of discussion for today its about a very well and often used,and misused drug paracetamol it belongs to non -steroidal antiinflammatory drug click on this link to learn about NSAID CLASSIFICATION . PHARMACOKINETICS: Orally well absorbed Thirty percent protein bound Metabolised by microsomal enzyme ADVERSE EFFECT: Nausea Rashes Large dose: Acute paracetamol poisoning Hepatotoxic Jaundice Nephrotoxicity - renal failure USES: Analgesic:tooth ache ,head ache Antipyretic Chronic pulpitis,periodontal abscess,post extraction MECHANISM OF ACTION: Small portion: metabolised to -N-acetyl benzoquinone gets detoxified ,conjugation to glutathione large doses