Biomedical Waste Management In Dentistry -Ecofriendly Dentistry
BIOMEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT IN DENTISTRY BIOMEDICAL WASTE : Biomedical waste is defined as any type of waste generated in : Diagnosis Treatment Immunisation of human being /animal in a) research,b)production of biological products It also includes waste coming out of medical treatment given at home UNIVERSAL PRECAUTION: To minimise the infection in medical laboratory workers and health care personnel 1) Gloves: while handling blood and body fluid specimen 2) Laboratory coat /gown 3) All blood specimen placed in leak proof impervious bag for transportation to the laboratory CATEGORIES OF BIOMEDICAL WASTE : 1) YELLOW- Infectious waste 2) RED- Contaminated waste 3) WHITE- Waste sharp including metal 4)BLUE - Sharps WASTE GENERATED IN DENTAL PRACTISE: Anatomic,non-anatomic Silver containing waste used fixer solution and unused x-ray film Lead containing waste -lead apron,lead foils inside x-ray film Mercury containing waste -element mercury,scrap amalgam Chemical ,disinfectant a