
how does the body respond to fear and anxiety?

 LIMBIC SYSTEM  Limbic comes from a latin word which means border ,the limbic system was given this name because its structures lie along a horseshoe shaped area of cortex.  It appears to be a border between cerebral cortex and subcortical structures of the diencephalon. Brain stem is known as oldest brain structure and cerebrum which is located in the upper part of the brain is considered to be the newest structure the limbic system lies between these structure . Parts of limbic system: thalamus,hypothalamus,amygdala,hippocampus. Thalamus is right above the brainstem ,egg shaped structure, like midbrain in the brainstem is a relay centre for visual,auditory and motor sensation,thalamus also acts as a relay centre . Thalamus first receives all sensory information ,processes it before it sends to higher region of the brain that deals   with sight,hearing,touch and taste. Smell is the only thing which will not get affected when thalamus gets injured as suppose if we smell a yummy dish ,


  STAPHYLOCOCCUS 🦠 Staphylococci are gram positive cocci arranged in grape like cluster The pathogenic medically important species: 1)Staphylococcus aureus  2) Staphylococcus epidermidis 3) Staphylococcus saprophyticans Morphology : Non motile Non sporing 1 micro meter in diameter Culture :  They grow on ordinary culture media at 37 degree Celsius temperature They are aerobe and facultative anaerobe 1) Nutrient agar :  After 24 hours incubation,colonies : circular,smooth,convex 2) Blood agar: Colonies similar to nutrient agar 3)Macconkey agar: Colonies : small and pink 4)MANNITOL SALT AGAR:  This is both selective and an indicator medium  Colonies : yellow colored  Toxin 1) Staphylococci produce 4 antigenically distinct type of exotoxin Alpha lysin: Lytic to rabbit erythrocyte ,less active against sheep or human red cell It is cytotoxic ,leucocidal and dermonecrotic Beta lysin: Lytic to sheep cell but not to human or rabbit erythrocyte Hot -cold phenomenon : lysis is initiated at 37 d


 Zinc Phosphate Cement ADA Specification number of Zinc Phosphate is 96. Zinc phosphate cement was originally developed more than 100 years ago and was extremely popular during most of the twentieth century. CLASSIFICATION: TYPE 1 : Fine grained for luting Type 2: medium grained for luting and restorative purpose. COMPOSITION: Zinc Phosphate cement contains  powder and liquid containers which comes separately. powder: zinc oxide 75%,magnesium  oxide 13%,silicone dioxide-2%,bismuth trioxide-0.1% liquid: phosphoric acid 38-59% in water 30-50% and is buffered with aluminium and zinc salts to control the ph.,zinc- 7%,aluminium-2% CHEMISTRY AND  SETTING : REACTION TYPE- ACID-BASE REACTION SETTING REACTION: Phosphoric acid dissolve in zinc oxide react with aluminum phosphate to form zinc aluminophosphate gel on undissolved zinc oxide particles  set cement: unreacted zinc oxide particles gets encased in amorphous matrix of zinc aluminophosphate. loss of water from liquid increases the settin


 ANTI-DIABETIC DRUG Diabetes mellitus: C hronic disorder characterised by hyperglycemia  and altered metabolism of carbohydrate,lipid,and protein. oral antidiabetic drug lowers blood glucose level CLASSIFICATION:                               ANTI- DIABETIC DRUG 1) ENHANCE INSULIN SECRETION: A)POTASSIUM ATP CHANNEL BLOCKER:      a1) Sulfonylurea :Gliclazide,Glipizide       a2)Phenylalanine analogue : Nateglinide B) DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE INHIBITOR 2) OVERCOME INSULIN RESISTANCE: a)Biguanide : Metformin b)Thiazolidinedione: Pioglitazone  3) MISCELLANEOUS DRUG: a) Alpha glucosidase inhibitor :Acarbose,Voglibose b) Amylin analogue : Pramlintide c) Dopamine agonist :Bromocriptine  INSULIN  Its used in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus  and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Pharmacological action: 1) CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM: Reduces blood glucose level promote glycogenesis in muscle 2) PROTEIN METABOLISM :  Promote protein synthesis inhibit protein breakdown 3) DECREASE URA OUTPUT FRO

Cavity of larynx anatomy

 CAVITY OF LARYNX Larynx extent: inlet of larynx to the cricoid cartilage Relation:  ANTERIOR:  epiglottis POSTERIOR; Interarytenoid fold Internal diameter : 3 mm upto 3 years and increases 1mm upto 12 years . Within cavity of larynx two folds are present .upper fold,vestibular and lower fold,vocal The space between vestibular fold is rima vestibule,vocal fold is rima glottis . Vocal fold is limited anterior by interarytenoid fold  Rima is narrowest portion of larynx 23 mm in males and 17mm in female    HANDWRITTEN NOTES ON CAVITY OF LARYNX  REFER GOOGLE DIAGRAM TO SEE REAL IMAGE OF LARYNX  Vestibular fold and vocal fold is dividing the cavity of larynx into three : Region above vestibular fold: vestibule,  supraglottis. Region between vestibular fold and vocal fold: ventricle Region below vocal fold: infraglotis Sinus of morgagni lies between vestibular and vocal fold. Sinus of morgagni /ventricle of larynx extend anteriorly till the lamina of thyroid ,cartilage is known as saccule of

Corticosteriod - Classification,Mode of action,Use,Adverse effect

 CORTICOSTEROID: PHARMACOLOGY  Corticosteroid are hormone produced in the cortex of the adrenal gland. CLASSIFICATION: A)  GLUCOCORTICOID: Short acting glucocorticoid:   CORTISOL,HYDROCORTISONE Intermediate acting glucocorticoid: PREDNISOLONE,METHYLPREDNISOLONE Long acting glucocorticoid: BETAMETHASONE,DEXAMETHASONE B ) MINERALOCORTICOID: ALDOSTERONE FLUDROCORTISONE STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS: Corticosteroid have cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring  They are synthesized in the adrenal cortex from cholesterol under the influence of ACTH. Everyday about 10 to 20 mg of hydrocortisone maximum in the early morning and 0.125mg of aldosterone are secreted in response to stress.  MECHANISM OF ACTION :  Steroid hormone enter inside the cell of target organ Hormone bind to specific receptor inside the cytoplasm Activation of steroid  receptor complex  Steroid receptor complex enter inside the nucleus Complex bind to specific site on double stranded nucleic acid Protein synthesis  USES : Cortico

Dental casting alloy

 DENTAL CASTING ALLOY - Dental material  Dental casting alloy was introduced in the year 1907 by taggart ,he described method of making gold inlay using lost wax technique. AIM OF THIS POST : Will learn few historical significance,classification  of dental casting alloy,ideal requirement ,mechanical properties,heat  treatment,soldering,brazing,welding and finally about the  difference between soldering and brazing . In 1932 : national institute of standard and technology classified dental material by vicker hardness number  VHN TYPE 1 - SOFT TYPE 2- MEDIUM TYPE 3- HARD TYPE 4- EXTRA HARD  CLASSIFICATION  1)BASED ON NOBLE METAL CONTENT: HIGH NOBLE: Noble content more than or equal to 60% noble- noble content more than or equal to 25% by weight . predominantly base-  less than 25% by weight of noble metal 2)BASED ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: TYPE 1  - LOW (INLAY) TYPE 2 - MEDIUM (INLAY,ONLAY) TYPE 3 -  HARD (ONLAY,FULL CROWN) TYPE 4 - EXTRA HARD (CROWN,BRIDGE) 3) BASED ON PRINCIPLE ELEMENT: