Classification of composite resin material based on filler size,viscosity,matrix,polymerization methods
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPOSITE RESIN MATERIAL: I)BASED ON FILLER SIZE: HOMOGENEOUS- MACROFILLED,MINI,MICROFILLED HETEROGENEOUS HYBRID MACROFILLED: The original composite resin material were macrofilled Material have high level of loading Particle size is 4 -40 microns Advantage: Strong as high loading Disadvantage: Filler particle harder than abrasive When polished : soft matrix was worn away,exposed large,hard filler It becomes rough therefore they are not polishable It has poor wear resistance MICROFILLED COMPOSITE RESIN : Why was microfilled composite resin discovered? Due to poor polishability of microfilled composite resin Material have uniform filler particle size 0.04 micron,low level of filler loading Low level of filler loading Advantage: Very polishable ,hence excellent esthetics Disadvantage: Low modulus of elasticity ,therefore not suitable for stress bearing area. Contra-Indication: Class 4 restoration Rest...